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Vibrance Health Westlake Village Blog

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How To Keep Your Weight Down, Spirits Up This Holiday Season

The New England Journal of Medicine reports on a study of about 200 people who were willing to be weighed throughout the holiday season. The goal was to determine an average of weight gain between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

How Stem Cell Rejuvenation Leads To Healthier Aging

Just last year the anti-aging market was said to be worth over 100 billion dollars worldwide and is expected to grow by five or more percent by 2023. MarketWatch claims the anti-aging industry could be worth over 200 billion dollars by the year 2024.

The Connections Between Heart Disease, Obesity And Weight Loss

The American College of Cardiology Foundation reports heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in America. They claim every four seconds someone will have a myocardial infarction. And that just in the United States, over a million people are expected to have a coronary event this year.

7 Best Foods For A Summer Detox Diet

It’s summer. It’s hot. There are days where you may feel drained by the heat. You feel tired after work, thirsty because you are dehydrated, and your skin is just not looking as healthy as it should. You may even be feeling depressed because you lack energy.

Cvac: a Game-changer in Optimal Health + Vitality

Altitude is defined as being five thousand feet above sea level, and anything above that. Our bodies are not made to immediately adapt to a change in altitude. In fact, in a high-altitude environment we breath in a lot less oxygen than we are at sea level.

The Healing Power of Stem Cell Therapy

Reports show that over one million people have experienced benefits of stem cell therapy worldwide. This number seems to be growing each year as we learn more on the advantages of using our own stem cells to help us restore vital functioning.

What Is Lifestyle Medicine?

Your lifestyle is the way in which you live your life. It sounds simple but, there are many factors involved in a lifestyle and they vary from person to person. This is because attitude, perceptions and viewpoints. Lifestyle can include your habits, your passions, and even your hobbies. It is every component that exists in your life, creating your style of life. This may seem simple enough, but it eventually leads to the question: what is lifestyle medicine?

Healthy, Science-backed Strategies For Coping With Stress

The American Psychological Association reports the latest statistics on stress in America. The top causes of stress include work, money, health, relationships, poor nutrition, media overload and lack of quality sleep. This means coping strategies may be able to help you manage your stress!

Here Is Your Overall Heart

Check your Omega-3 score for brain function and anti-inflammation. You should be getting about 2.6g of these essential fatty acids at least 3 times/week.

How To Get A Good Night’s Rest

Rest, relaxation, a good night’s rest. It sounds so simple, yet millions of people find it difficult to achieve. In fact, 50 to 70 million people report having a sleeping disorder. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, which is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep.